Small Business

13 Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Creating an effective website is an important part of any business’s success. It can be a powerful way to reach potential customers, engage with existing ones, build brand awareness and even make sales.

As a digital marketing expert, I have seen all the website mistakes in the book. Of all the mistakes, some are more common than others.

Those mistakes include poor navigation, clarity and organization, unappealing design, and slow page loading speed. However, given the right resources and knowledge, they are all easy to avoid.

In this article, I will discuss the 13 most common website mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.

What are the Most Common Website Mistakes?

Website mistakes can cost businesses, organizations, and individuals countless hours of lost time and money. Even the most experienced web designers make errors from time to time.

Here are some of the most common website mistakes that every entrepreneur should avoid:

  1. Failing to optimize for mobile
  2. Leaving off contact information
  3. Trying to build the website yourself
  4. Inconsistent branding
  5. No clear product/service descriptions
  6. A lack of UVP (Unique Value Proposition)
  7. Not implementing SEO from the start
  8. Using irrelevant stock images
  9. Page titles are too long
  10. Too little or too much text
  11. Little to no website security
  12. Poor internet linking
  13. Not using data to make decisions

1. Failing to Optimize for Mobile

Nowadays, people access websites through a wide range of devices. Laptops, desktops, and phones are the most commonly used, while tablets and smartwatches have become increasingly popular. 

One thing will always remain constant regardless of the device: different screen sizes. This can be a problem for web pages which must adjust to fit users’ viewing devices. Fortunately, with careful consideration and customization, this issue is easily avoided. 

Website Mistakes - Optimize Mobile

The prevalence of mobile internet usage in today’s digital world is tremendous and undeniable, making it essential for businesses to optimize their websites for smartphones and tablets. Failure to include them in your optimization plan can cause your website to lose many smartphone users.

Mobile optimization helps ensure users can easily view the entirety of any web pages they visit and interact with them effectively. Additionally, if a website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, it may take much longer to load or even not load at all due to slow loading times or compatibility issues.

2. Leaving Off Contact Information

When it comes to offering exemplary customer service, providing your contact information is key. By displaying your phone number and address on your website, you can foster trust in customers and make them feel secure about their connection with you.

Having a page devoted to contact details makes it easier for visitors to get in touch with the company quickly. This should include an email address, phone number, fax number, address, and any other relevant information, such as operating hours or service availability.

Additionally, connecting with potential customers through social media will benefit you greatly. Social media platforms are one of the most popular ways to communicate with people and are a great way to stay in touch with your customers.

3. Trying to Build the Website Yourself

Building your website can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will you have a unique platform to showcase your product or service, but you will also be satisfied knowing that you built it yourself.

However, building a website yourself can become a source of frustration and anguish if done incorrectly. It is important to understand the importance of hiring a professional when tackling website design so that you do not make costly mistakes.

There are plenty of companies that specialize in this type of job and can help you out with designing a website for your company. For example, Memphis small business web design professionals can help you make the perfect corporate website.

An experienced web designer will ensure that the website looks professional, loads quickly, functions properly on all devices, and is optimized for search engine results pages (SERPs). In addition, they can make sure that you have all the right features, like forms and payment gateways, set up correctly.

4. Inconsistent Branding

Inconsistent branding is one of the most common website mistakes businesses make. Having a consistent brand identity across all platforms is important to ensure customers can easily identify and recognize your business.

Inconsistent branding can include using different: 

  • Fonts
  • Logos
  • Colors
  • Images
  • Designs
Website Mistakes - Inconsistent Branding

When your brand is inconsistent across different pages, visitors may not recognize that they are on the same website or business. Defining your small business brand identity and ensuring it stands out in any digital space is vital to a successful corporate website. 

This means ensuring your images and text are consistent with what is established about your business and you don’t stray for another reason. Additionally, when creating content for your website, ensure all messaging reflects the same tone and brand values. This way, customers can recognize your company’s unique identity.

5. No Clear Product/Service Descriptions

Having no clear product or service descriptions on a website can be costly. Without clear descriptions of your products and services, customers won’t know what they are purchasing, which could lead to confusion and potential loss of sales.

Businesses should ensure that they provide an accurate and comprehensive explanation of their product or service, as this will help customers easily understand what they can expect from the business.

This information should include what the company does and who they serve, along with all the relevant details of how they can be contacted. To avoid this issue, clearly describe every product or service you offer on your website.

Additionally, it is important to include any unique features that set your business apart from competitors’ products and services. Doing so will help customers make an informed decision about what to purchase.

6. A Lack of UVP (Unique Value Proposition)

When developing a website, it is critical to ensure a clearly defined unique value proposition (UVP) that potential customers can easily identify. A UVP is a compelling reason someone should choose your product or service over the competition.

A good UVP should be easy to understand and quickly explain the advantages of your product or service, why it’s superior, and how it solves the customer’s problems or meets their needs. Also, try to have a unique selling point that stands out from the competition by emphasizing an additional benefit over competitors or providing an incentive, like discounts or promotions.

A UVP should also include elements to make sure that customers feel comfortable when making their purchase decision, such as: 

  • Warranties
  • Free shipping
  • Quality assurance
  • Customer support
  • Money-back guarantees

Without an effective UVP on a website, it becomes difficult to differentiate from competitors, which could lead to decreased sales or conversions. Additionally, it can become difficult to attract the right target audience and retain those visitors who land on the page through proper messaging and positioning if there is no UVP.

7. Not Implementing SEO from the Start

Another common mistake made by website owners is not implementing SEO from the start. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic to the site. 

This set of practices can help your website become more visible in search engines, like: 

Website Mistakes - SEO

Without SEO, a website’s content won’t be indexed by search engines, meaning it won’t show up when people search for relevant terms and topics. Additionally, websites without SEO will miss out on crucial opportunities for backlinks that can help with site authority and rankings.

To maximize website performance, SEO should always be considered during a website’s design, development, and launching phases. You can use these techniques to ensure that your company’s website is found when someone searches for its name.

8. Using Irrelevant Stock Images

A website is a representation of the company that created it. The images used on it are an essential visual component of this. That is why choosing appropriate and relevant photos for your business is important. 

Using irrelevant stock images can make it difficult for visitors to relate to your website’s content, resulting in a low connection and low engagement with the page. However, choosing the right ones will help you maintain your credibility.

Make sure to look for high-quality and authentic photographs that are relevant to what you’re selling and that accurately represent your brand. When sourcing images online, it is also important to pay attention to copyright laws. Using copyrighted images without permission can lead to lawsuits and other financial ramifications.

9. Page Titles Are Too Long

Page titles are an important part of an overall website design, as they are often used to accurately describe the page’s content to search engine crawlers for indexing and ranking. However, having a page title that is too long can lead to problems with getting indexed and ranked in search engine results pages.

Additionally, long titles increase the risk of keyword stuffing, harming SEO performance. Search engines may not only ignore long page titles with too many keywords. They may even penalize the website for attempting to manipulate SERPs rankings.

To ensure that your website’s page titles are still effective and informative without being too lengthy, focus on using succinct yet descriptive language and avoid over-stuffing them with multiple keywords.

This balance between brevity and accuracy will help ensure that your pages have a good chance of showing up in SERPs while providing users with enough information about what to expect from each page on your website.

10. Too Little or Too Much Text

Too much or too little text on a website can be an issue. Too much text can overwhelm the user and make it hard to find the information they need, while too little text can leave them without enough information to decide. To avoid this mistake, websites should be designed with a balanced amount of text that is easy to read and understand.

When choosing how much text to include on the page, it’s important to consider the page’s purpose and what information needs to be conveyed. Lengthy paragraphs of dense text can cause users to quickly lose interest, so it’s best to break up larger blocks of copy into smaller chunks with headings and subheadings. 

This will help readers quickly scan the content and identify what is most relevant to their needs. Additionally, keeping sentences short, using bullet points, and including visuals can help communicate important points more effectively while making the page less intimidating.

11. Little to No Website Security

Protecting your website from malicious attacks can be the difference between having a successful online presence or being completely shut down. Website security is an often overlooked aspect of digital projects, but it must be taken seriously to protect your website and visitors.

Security measures like firewalls, SSL certificates, website monitoring services, and website backup plans are essential for keeping your business safe from online threats. Additionally, it is important to clearly understand the different types of risks and their potential impact on your website.

Security can help protect your business’s reputation, data, and financial assets. Make sure to research the best options for your specific website and implement the necessary measures to avoid website security mistakes.

12. Poor Internal Linking

Poor internal linking can be one of a website owner’s biggest mistakes. It can harm user experience and search engine rankings.

Poor internal linking occurs when links are broken, outdated, or navigational elements are put in the wrong places. Additionally, without proper linking, users may get lost or confused while trying to find the relevant information they seek on your site.

Website Mistakes - Link Building

That is why it is important to consistently audit your website’s links and update them accordingly to prevent issues with internal linking. Adding more relevant links between pages related by topic or keywords allows people to easily find what they’re looking for.

13. Not Using Data to Make Decisions

Not using data to make decisions is another major mistake businesses can make. Companies should leverage data as much as possible when making decisions. This means identifying relevant data, assessing it, and using it to inform their decision-making process.

Data is essential to understanding what works best for your website and discovering any areas that might need improvement. Taking the time to analyze data properly and use it to inform decisions can help you optimize your website in ways that would not have been possible before.

It can help businesses make more informed decisions quickly, ultimately leading to better results. Any decisions made will be questionable at best without adequate data and proper analysis techniques.

How to Avoid Website Mistakes

Creating and maintaining a successful website isn’t easy. It requires thinking critically, planning strategically, and making modifications as needed. The key to avoiding these common website mistakes is to take a preventative approach.

To do this, thoroughly examine every part of your website before launching it and ensure everything is functioning properly and displaying correctly. This can be done by conducting extensive testing of both the back-end and front-end components of your website.

Remember that certain browser versions may display elements differently, so it’s important to consider cross-browser compatibility when testing. It’s also wise to use analytics tools to track how people interact with your website and detect any potential issues that may arise during their visit.

Following the tips above, website owners can avoid common mistakes and build a successful online presence. Website design should not be taken lightly, as any missteps can have serious consequences for businesses.

It’s important to take the time to plan and create a well-thought-out strategy before beginning the design process. With the right approach, website owners can ensure they are created and managed efficiently and effectively.


Website mistakes can have serious consequences for businesses, so it’s important to take the time to plan and create a well-thought-out strategy before beginning the design process. Website owners should research properly, audit their website links, use data to make decisions, and test extensively before launching to avoid these mistakes.

By avoiding these pitfalls, you can ensure that your website provides an optimal experience for users and search engines alike. This, in turn, can help increase conversions, boost SEO ranking, and ultimately lead to more success for your business.

Are you a small business owner looking to create a website for your company? Do you have any questions about how to avoid common website mistakes? Let us know in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 4 common design errors?

Design errors are common issues designers must be aware of when creating visuals. These design errors can range from using the wrong typeface or font size to cluttering a page with too many elements.

The four most common design errors include the following: lack of whitespace, difficult navigation, unappealing images and text, and poor user experience.

What are the top 10 mistakes made in web development that can be exploited?

Malicious users often exploit web development mistakes to gain access to sensitive data or cause serious damage.

The 10 most common mistakes include the following:

1. Keeping default credentials
2. Using weak passwords
3. Failing to patch software
4. Using vulnerable components
5. Insecure coding practices
6. Storing sensitive data inadequately 
7. Incorrectly configured directory permissions
8. Using outdated software
9. Using old libraries and frameworks
10. Poor input validation

What website mistakes should I be aware of?

A variety of mistakes can be made while creating and maintaining a website, including having low-quality content, poor design, slow page loading speed, insufficient SEO optimization, inadequate security measures, and failing to provide an optimal user experience. All these errors can lead to a lack of trust from website visitors and could ultimately cause your website to fail. 

What are the benefits of avoiding website mistakes?

Avoiding website mistakes can help businesses increase conversions, improve SEO rankings, save time and money, and create a more positive user experience. Additionally, avoiding website mistakes can help protect businesses from potential security risks.

What tips can I use to avoid common website mistakes?

To avoid common website mistakes, website owners should research properly, audit their website links, use data to make decisions, and test extensively before launching. Additionally, they should keep up with web design and development trends, such as mobile-friendly designs and artificial intelligence.

Website owners can also take advantage of analytics tools to track how people interact with their sites and detect potential issues that may arise during their visits. By following these tips, website owners can ensure they are created and managed efficiently and effectively.

What are 3 things every website should have?

A website should be more than just a brochure or business card. It should provide information that is useful and relevant to the user.

There are 3 key elements that must be present to ensure a website is engaging and effective, such as: content, functionality, and design. With these three characteristics in place, any website can create a great user experience that helps attract new customers and retain existing ones.

What are the 3 risks of websites?

Websites have numerous potential risks that can lead to negative outcomes for businesses and individuals. The 3 most common risks of websites include financial losses, data breaches, and reputational damage.

What is the most problematic mistake on a website?

The most problematic mistake website owners make failing to keep their websites up-to-date. Website software and plugins must be regularly updated with the latest version to ensure they are secure and properly functioning.

Without regular updates, websites can become vulnerable to security threats or fail to produce desired results. Website owners should also consider using a content management system to make website maintenance easier.

How can I make sure my website is optimized for search engine rankings? 

To ensure your website is optimized for search engine rankings, you must create content that is rich in quality with appropriate keywords and phrases throughout, build links between your web pages, and use relevant meta tags. 

Additionally, it is important to ensure fast site loading times, ensure all images have accurate descriptions and alt tags associated with them, regularly update content on your site, use a sitemap that can be accessed by search engines, and make sure your site is mobile-friendly. 


Business Asia
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